Medical Check Up

Preventive medicine

It is essential for everyone to undergo a medical check up at least once a year.

The medical check up is a general physical examination, which gives a general assessment of the individual’s health condition by scanning for possible diseases that have not caused any complaints so far.

Early diagnosis of the disease is essential as it increases the success of treatment. Therefore, screening plays a vital role if a person has a critical illness such as cancer. Early awareness and early treatment will increase the quality of life as well as the life expectancy of the individual. Medical check up that should be included as standard and mandatory are as follows: blood count, blood tests, tests that assess the functions of organs (liver, kidneys, etc.), sedimentation, cholesterol and lipid levels, thyroid gland, urine analysis, ultrasonography of the entire abdominal area, pulmonary graph, electrocardiography and stool blood scan.

In addition to the examinations that all persons over the age of 40 must undergo, we recommend the following tests, even if there are no hereditary risks, as follows: eye examination, cardiac examinations and additional examinations to scan for cancer. Those who have hereditary risks do not have to wait until the age of 40 to have these examinations. Those at risk should have additional check-ups starting at the age of 30’s.

Another purpose of the medical check up is to determine the possible risks of disease that occur with age, due to gender, arising from cigarette smoking and hormonal periods, especially in women (such as fertility-menostasis), to study diabetes, coronary artery disease, seizures and cancer risks that are caused or are inherited.

Additional check-ups for those at risk for coronary heart disease are as follows: HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, cardiac stress test and echocardiography. Women who have a history of cancer of their kind should have the following examinations once a year: PAP smear test, breast ultrasonography, mammography, respiratory function tests and computed tomography. Men with a family history of cancer should have the following procedures once a year: prostate-specific antigen, respiratory function test, and computed tomography.

The things to do before medical check up

– Make an appointment at least 24 hours in advance to arrange your health check up service;

– Bring any medical research and other check up results that have been done before;

– Wear sports shoes, socks and sportswear suitable for jogging, to perform an ECG test;

– Make sure you do not eat anything 8 hours before the medical check up;

– Make sure you do not consume alcoholic beverages and red meat before the medical check up.

Preparation for some special occasions

– Pregnant patients should inform their doctor before starting the examinations;

– Remember that urine samples given during periods are not suitable for a medical examination;

– Bring a small amount of stool into a clean small cup for tests that will be done on a stool sample to diagnose certain conditions affecting the digestive tract.

Procedures to be performed during the medical check up

– Performing a laboratory test;

– Internal medical test, which collects comprehensive health information;

– Carrying out tests of other areas in accordance with the result of the performed medical check up;

– Performing X-ray screening;

– Evaluation of medical examinations and results;

– Preparation and conclusion of the medical check up report.

Packages of medical check up that we can offer you:

For more information on the scope of each package you can get by selecting from the menu of Check Up or by clicking on the specifically selected package of medical check up packages above.