DHI or FUE hair transplant


DHI and FUE are effective hair transplant methods for both men and women. The aesthetic clinics and multidisciplinary hospitals that are internationally accredited in Istanbul that we partner with offer both methods. Which of the methods will be offered depends on the condition of the patient’s hair, his age, health status and, of course, on the opinion of the specialist who will perform the procedure.

Main differences between FUE and DHI:
  • FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction): In this procedure, each hair follicle is extracted from the donor area and manually implanted in the treatment area.
  • DHI (Direct Hair Implantation): This procedure is a modification of FUE, using a special medical device like a pen to extract and implant the hair follicles.
Advantages of DHI:
  • More suitable for younger people with less hair loss.
  • The entire head does not need to be shaved as with FUE.
  • May take longer compared to FUE.
These are the most mentioned benefits of the DHI hair transplant method:
  • More suitable for younger people with less hair loss
  • Better density of regenerated hair
  • Ideal for smaller areas of hair loss
  • Faster healing and recovery
  • Fewer side effects
  • Less traumatic
  • Less invasive
However, due to the specialized tools and equipment used during the DHI procedure, it can be more expensive than FUE. In addition, the number of transplanted hair follicles in the DHI method may be limited.

Most hair transplant clinics and hospitals provide their pricing based on the number of hair follicles transplanted. In general, the cost of DHI and FUE transplants can vary depending on many factors.

Results of DHI vs. FUE
Both hair transplant methods, DHI and FUE, involve precision surgery and highly skilled surgeons. These methods result in natural looking hair growth. FUE and DHI are effective in restoring hair growth, and the results should last a lifetime.

If you are interested in hair restoration and looking for the best options for hair transplantation, you can request a consultation by contacting us so that we can assist you in the most expedient way to achieve an optimal solution.

For the best long-term results, we recommend a hair transplant consultation with a specialist in Istanbul to determine which of the two FUE or DHI hair transplant is more suitable for your type of hair loss.

Contact us for a consultation and a price quote.