New generation image diagnostics

The latest equipment for hybrid imaging, which provides opportunities for diagnosis, staging, tracking of a number of tumors and, less commonly, non-cancer.

PET-CT представлява най-модерният образен метод за подпомагане на диагнозата, определяне на стадия, насочване към най-адекватното лечение и проследяване на ефекта от него при различни онкологични заболявания и по изключение при някои неонкологични заболявания. С него е възможоно провеждане на изследване с голяма чувствителност и точност при тумори на белия дроб, стомашно-чревния тракт, яйчници, матка, гърдата, главата и шията, лимфоми, меланоми и др., за което е необходимо да се консултирате със специалист по нуклеарна медицина.

The patient must not eat for 6 hours before the PET-CT procedure. The patient’s blood sugar is measured first. If the blood sugar is within acceptable limits, a radioactive substance is injected into the patient’s blood. Various radioactive substances are used, but the most commonly used is F-18 Florodeoxyglycose. This is a sugar molecule associated with the radioactive element Fluorine – 18. After injecting the drug into the patient for its distribution he must wait an hour. The patient is then admitted for examination of the PET-CT device.

The most important difference between a cancer cell and a normal one is its rapid and uncontrolled proliferation. The energy demand of cells showing high activity is higher than normal. With radioactive labeling of sugar, protein and some building blocks used during this period by the cancer cell, it is possible to label the site of cancer tissue. The PET-CT device with which the diagnostic image is performed.

“The PET-CT imaging method is one of the most important methods for diagnosing, staging, re-staging and determining changes after cancer treatment.”

The other elements used in the PET-CT study are: for visualization of the bones F-18NaF, in the study of the spread of prostate cancer Ga-68 PSMA, for the study of neuroendocrine tumors Ga-68 Osterotid is used. There are also many other radiopharmaceuticals that are not widely used in routine testing. PET-CT greatly increases the success of the fight against cancer during all its stages such as identifying cancer cells, planning the treatment itself, evaluating the success of treatment.

It is used to determine the metabolism of tissue that is thought to be crustacean

The fact whether tissues determined by other methods show metabolism of cancer or not is determined by PET-CT. If the PET-CT result of the element is positive, then this element probably consumes a lot of glucose and is more likely to be cancerous.

Taking material from the right place for the tissue that is supposed to be crustacean

Due to the fact that cancer multiplies uncontrollably, it can also cause damage in its structure. It is possible that the required number of cells for examination cannot be obtained from the samples that will be taken from the damaged site. PET-CT shows where the living cells are collected and is a guide for the biopsy.

Determining the spread of cancer

PET-CT technology has been used successfully in many cancers to determine the extent of cancer.

Determining the method of treatment

This study then changes the treatment regimen to an average of about one in three patients. Sometimes, instead of major surgery, treatment is performed only with medication and unnecessary surgery is prevented. With the help of PET-CT in some patients it is determined that the spread of cancer is much less than expected and instead of using drug treatment, the cancer is removed only by surgery.

Early determination of the benefit of the cancer drug

The drugs used to treat cancer are drugs that need to be considered for their serious side effects. With the use of appropriate drugs you will save yourself from unnecessary side effects, and at the same time using the appropriate tissue medicine you will have a chance to eliminate the disease early. With the help of PET-CT, after the first and second treatment procedure by evaluation you will receive information about the benefits of the drug used.