In vitro (ivf)

Assisted reproductive technology

What is in vitro fertilisation (IVF) procedure

What is IVF – in vitro fertilization
IVF – in vitro fertilization is a type of assisted reproductive technology, which is performed to fertilize one or more eggs outside the woman’s body, after which the resulting embryos are returned to the uterus.

Before starting the IVF – in vitro fertilization procedure, the woman will first have to be tested for the state of the egg reserve. This includes taking a blood sample and testing for follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels. The results of this test will give your doctor information about the size and quality of your eggs.

Your doctor will also examine your uterus. This may involve performing an ultrasound that uses high frequency sound waves to create an image of the uterus. These tests can reveal the health of the uterus and help the doctor determine the best way to implant the embryos.

Men will have to undergo a semen test. This involves giving a semen sample, which the laboratory will analyze for the number, size and shape of the semen. If the semen is weak or damaged, a procedure called intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) may be needed. During the ICSI procedure, a specialist injects sperm directly into the egg. ICSI may be part of the IVF procedure.

The choice to proceed with IVF – in vitro fertilisation is a very personal decision, for which it is advisable to answer yourself the following questions:

What will you do with the unused embryos?

How many embryos do you want to transfer? The more embryos are transferred, the higher the risk of multiple pregnancy. Most doctors will not transfer more than two embryos.

How do you think about the possibility of having twins, triplets or multiple pregnancies of a higher order?

What do you think about the legal and emotional issues associated with using donated eggs, sperm and embryos or a surrogate?

What are the financial, physical and emotional strains associated with IVF?

How the in vitro fertilization procedure is performed
There are five steps in the in vitro procedure:

  • stimulation
  • egg retrieval
  • fertilisation
  • embryo cultivation
  • transfer

A woman usually produces eggs during each menstrual cycle, and IVF requires several eggs. The use of multiple eggs increases the chances of developing a viable embryo. In some cases, specialists prescribe fertility drugs to increase the number of eggs that the body produces. During this time, the doctor will perform regular blood and ultrasound tests to monitor the production of eggs and to inform the in vitro specialist when it is time to remove them.

Extraction of eggs
Ovary extraction is known as follicular aspiration. This is a surgical procedure performed under anesthesia. Your doctor will use an ultrasound device to insert a needle through your vagina, into your ovary and into a follicle containing an egg. The needle will suck eggs and fluid from each follicle.

The male partner will have to give a sample of his semen. A specialist will mix the sperm with the eggs and if this does not produce embryos, the doctor may decide to use the ICSI procedure (ICSI is a procedure in which a single sperm is taken with a fine glass needle and injected directly into each egg to support fertilization).

Cultivation of embryos
Your doctor will monitor the fertilized eggs to ensure that they divide and develop. At present, embryos can be tested for genetic conditions.

When the embryos are large enough, they can be implanted – transferred. This usually happens three to five days after fertilization. Implantation involves placing a thin tube, called a catheter, inserted into the vagina, along the cervix, and into the uterus. The doctor will then release the embryo into the uterus.

Pregnancy occurs when the embryo is implanted in the wall of the uterus. This may take 6 to 10 days. A blood test will determine if pregnancy has occurred.

To request a free consultation and examination with a specialist in one of the most successful clinics applying in vitro procedure in Istanbul – Turkey: